This page gives you an understanding of all your Yoyo-powered transactions and revenue, broken down site by site. This allows you to compare the performance of each of your sites and take the relevant actions if you see activity decreasing at one of your sites.
To get started, click on Transactions and then select the Outlets tab to access your key transaction metrics, broken down by site.
You will see metrics relating to both your transactions as well as loyalty. Including vouchers redemptions and discounts applied via Yoyo, alongside revenue generated for non-Yoyo transactions, if your site using loyalty only scans.
The data shown on this page is determined by the date range chosen in the date picker. The date range defaults to the last 30 days however you can amend this by choosing one of the preset options at the bottom or chose your own date range.
The first three metrics you’ll see are, Total Transaction volume, Total Sales and Total Revenue Received provide you with an overview of your business performance.
Total Transaction Volume
This figure is the total number of Yoyo-powered transactions generated across your outlets.
It includes voucher redemptions, discounts and loyalty-only transactions if your outlets have a Yoyo-powered loyalty card.
Total Sales
This is the monetary value generated by all your Yoyo-powered transactions, including voucher redemptions, discounts and loyalty-only transactions when applicable.
Total Revenue Received
Corresponds to the Total Sales minus the value of any discounts, voucher redemptions and loyalty only transactions.
Below these metrics, you will find a list of your outlets where you can easily compare performance per site. These metrics are broken down by transaction value and value. If you would like to see the stats for just one outlet, you can also select a specific outlet using the search bar at the top of the page.
In the graph, below the name of the outlet to will see two metrics, Transaction Volume and Transaction Value.
Transaction Volume
This is the total number of transactions at that outlet.
Transaction Value
Is the value of all yoyo-powered transactions at the outlet.
You will see that the graph for each outlet row is broken down by transaction value and volume, below will explain what each of these refers to.
Revenue Received
Transaction Volume: refers to the total number of yoyo-powered transactions taken place at the outlet during the time frame selected in the date picker.
Transaction Value: show the monetary value of these transactions. This is the total sales of this outlet minus the value of any discounts, voucher redemptions and loyalty only transactions at the outlet.
Discounts applied
Transaction Volume: is the number of transactions where a discount was applied.
Transaction Value: show the monetary value of these discounts.
Voucher Redemptions
Transaction volume: shows the number of vouchers redeemed at this outlet during the time frame chosen in the date picker.
Transaction Value: refers to the value of the items these vouchers we redeemed against.
Revenue Received (Non Yoyo)
This is revenue from loyalty only transactions. This is only applicable to who have a yoyo-powered loyalty card. For example, a customer will use the loyalty card to collect point and stamp and pay outside of the app using cash or card.
Transaction volume: shows the number of loyalty only transactions at this outlet during the timeframe.
Transaction Value: calculate the total value of these loyalty only transactions.
Recommended Reads:
Transaction Summary
How does Yoyo handle transactions
Learn how to create outlet-specific campaigns
Case Study: Increase your Customers' Average Transaction Value
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